Infinite Possibilities: Many Worlds and the Chickpeas of Sadness
My article on Many Worlds came out in Writer's Digest today, just in time for the pub date of Right Here, Right Now!"But as we soldier onward through the years and those infinite possibilities become winnowed down to one, the concept seems a lot more bittersweet. Or...
Starred Kirkus Review!
Thrilled to see this starred review from Kirkus: "A thought-provoking, beautifully executed exploration of choices and possibilities. In 1998 Ohio, a teen’s split-second decision underscores the different trajectories that lives can take. One summer afternoon, Elise,...

RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW available for pre-order!
My new book, forthcoming from Little, Brown on April 9, 2024, is now available for pre-order!

How Do You Say “Chess Prodigy” in Dutch?
It’s been a busy summer for I+T in translation, and the book is now available in French, Spanish, Danish and Dutch. Read more

Don’t Call It A Comeback
This one goes out to all the people who have thought to themselves, “Medieval literature? Um…why?” Read more

I+T Sightings, Out in the Wild!
Hands down, one of my favorite new things over the past few weeks has been the experience of friends and family sending me photos when they spot my book in a store or library. Read more

First Week of Izzy + Tristan!
So much love to everyone who helped me celebrate I+T’s first week out in the wider world. Here are a few choice pics for those of you far from NYC. Read more

I+T on the Kids’ Indie Next List
I’m so pleased to announce that I+T is on the Kids’ Indie Next List for Spring 2019! Hooray! Just one more confirmation that independent booksellers are some of the coolest people on Earth and that we should support them… Read more

UK Cover Reveal
I’m delighted to share with readers the cover design for the UK edition of Izzy + Tristan. (Believe me, guys, the copper foil lettering is oh-so-pleasing to the eyes and fingertips.) I can’t wait for this to hit bookshelves… Read more

Izzy + Tristan showcased on ABA’s Indies Introduce top ten list
I’m thrilled about these kind words from Booklist. Check it out: “It’s not far from Manhattan to Brooklyn, but when Izzy’s parents move her and her twin brother across the river and away from the Lower East Side, it feels like another world. Read more